Previous Events

Here’s a look at previous events that we’ve delivered ………………….




We have delivered several Public Sector events to Primary School children in recent months. Year 6 children from King Charles primary school had a great day working with a range of volunteers from the public sector. We had a Dr surgery practice manager, an environmental officer from Walsall council, 2 social workers, a radiographer and a teacher who worked with SEND children to discuss their current roles and how these may look in 2030.


We delivered a second public sector event at Ryder’s Hayes Primary School for year 6 children. Volunteers included paramedics, a GP, an RAF cyber hacking specialist, radiographers, social workers and council employees. It was a very busy, informative and non stop event. The children heard about current careers and those that will exist in 2030 and beyond. It was a great day and inspired children to think about careers within the Public sector.

We delivered a third Public Sector event for year 6 students at Bentley West Primary School. It was very informative, volunteers spoke to the children about a range of careers including radiography, medicine, social work, environmental careers and teaching. The children had a very enjoyable day and had an insight into the future.

Volunteers inspired the children to think about careers they would not of ordinarily thought about.


Year 5 students from Ryder’s Hayes Primary School attended The Glass cone in Stourbridge. The children were encouraged to think about what museums might look like in 10 years time, they explored art and design and spoke to glass house designers about how technology has had an impact in this sector and how it will continue to have an impact. Children designed and made their own glass tiles. The tour was very impressive and delivered partly using AR.


The health and social care event took place at Ryder’s Hayes Primary School for year 3 children. Volunteers included paramedics, nursery practitioners, sports lecturers and an occupational therapist. The event was a huge success. Paramedics discussed their roles in detail and how they may change by 2030. Nursery practitioners discussed the importance of early interventions and occupational therapists bought in a range of equipment for the children to handle. We discussed empathy and roles within the health, social and caring sectors. The sports lecturer spoke to the children about the importance of health and fitness and how new equipment will help us in the future.

The presenter talked about the importance of healthy lifestyles and diets, and how this would change as the populations expands over the next 10 years. She even had a selection of edible insects for the children to try for themselves !!!


The Environmental event was hosted at Walsall Council recycling depot for year 4 students from Ryder’s Hayes school. It was a great day and children had the opportunity to explore recycling, what happens to litter, fly tipping, the children each planted a tree to take home with them and even got to sit in a waste refuse wagon !!

We discussed career opportunities now and how these roles may look in 10 years time. We talked about apprenticeships and the importance of working hard at school.


The engineering and manufacturing event for year 6 students from Ryder’s Hayes primary school was delivered at In-Comm training in Aldridge. We worked in small groups, looked at STEM and the children built structures, explored various aircraft’s with Collins aerospace, had a very informative tour of the workshop and examined the different types of machines.

Year 6 children worked with a group of engineering apprentices as well as the team from Collins aerospace and In-Comm Training.

It was an amazing day and we examined careers that will exist within this sector in 10 years time.


The construction event delivered for year 5 students from Ryder’s Hayes Primary School took place at Dudley college and Wolverhampton University kindly offered to deliver a workshop. Children explored drones, VR glasses and how they are used in surveying and construction. Children also got to use ground penetrating equipment, velocity and VR welding equipment. Volunteers included Accord homes and CITB

Year 5 children from Harvills Hawthorn Primary School attended a construction event at Dudley college months later. The format was very similar and equally as successful. The children were inspired by what they saw and who they met.


A stereo type event was delivered at Wolverhampton University for year 3 students from several primary schools. We had 18 volunteers from a range of sectors, including female aerospace engineers, female Midland Metro Alliance engineers, local council representatives, female mechanics and male health and social care employees. It was an eye opening event with some very interesting people from a variety of occupations. Children were inspired by some amazing volunteers.
