8 Gatsby Benchmarks


The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed to support schools in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice and guidance. They were established as part of Sir John Homlan’s research into what pragmatic actions could improve career guidance in England and now form part of the governments career strategy, launched December 2017.

The benchmarks are based on best practice from across the world and are challenging but achievable.

How can MLW help?

MLW has over 20 years experience working with schools, colleges, young people and employers.

Gatsby benchmarks 5 & 6 lend themselves to the MLW programme and we are best placed to support schools with both encounters with employers and employees and experiences of workplaces.

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States “every pupil should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work experience, employment and the skills that are valued in the workplace. This can be through a range of enrichment activities including visiting speakers, mentoring and enterprise schemes


To help address this MLW provide the following activities:

  • Arrange for a local employer/employee to speak to students about their industry, career paths available. the importance of personal skills and qualities as well as academic standards required for that sector

  • Representatives from industry mentor small groups of students

  • Assist with events such as mock interviews, speed networking, dragons den style events/judging

  • CV preparation

  • Help source guest speakers from a particular industry (e.g. Engineering, manufacturing, public services, care, etc.)

‘MLW arranged for 2 local companies to attend our Dragons Den style event and it was of great value to our students’
Windsor High

‘Nicki from MLW attended our careers event and made it fun, interesting and real. She is inspirational’
The Link Academy

‘MLW, along with 2 of their employers attended our mock interviews with Year 8 and it was a great success. It is invaluable for students to have contact with real life employers’
RSA Academy


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States “every pupil should have first hand experience of the workplace through work visits, work shadowing or work experience to help their exploration of career opportunities and expand their networks


To help address this

MLW provide the following activities:

  • Arrange tours to local industry to a sector of their choice

  • Help source a suitable workplace for students wishing to pursue an extended vocational placement.

  • Meet with students to discuss occupational choices and what’s involved

  • Source a local employer in the sector chosen

  • Carry out a Health & Safety and young persons risk assessment

  • Chaperone students to interviews to meet key members of staff

  • MLW provide schools and colleges with access to a bespoke attendance portal in order to check students attendance which is carried out daily by MLW

  • A termly report is completed by the student and company

  • MLW produce a termly newsletter for parents, providers and employer

  • Ensure the work placement is meaningful and of value to the young person

  • Manage the placement from start to finish eliminating all ‘hassles’ for the school, college or provider

‘The tour of SJG International was brilliant. The students gained so much seeing a real life company’
RSA Arrow Vale

‘The tour of the engineering company was BRILLIANT!’
Walsall College

‘If it wasn't for MLW this student would not have been successful. He has now been offered an apprenticeship’
The Wordsley School

‘MLW arranged the work experience programme from start to finish and take out all of the hassles. It's been a great success!’
King Edwards Lichfield

‘MLW do a brilliant job managing extended work experience. They match students to employers really well. The retention is 100% and the students gain so much experience, skills and knowledge as well as an understanding of what is expected in the world of work’
The Link Academy