How Are Activities Implemented?


Ryders Hayes have developed a comprehensive range of high quality resources that are now available for everyone to use, hosted on their website and The Black Country Skills Factory. Pupils have experienced the curriculum and Ryders Hayes delivered a series of classroom based lessons to be delivered prior to each event. A video is available that focuses  on “A day in the life of a …” and follow up lessons are also available to measure the impact of each event.

engineering event MLW

Events can be delivered either on school site and a range of employer’s from a particular sector will attend to work with the pupils OR off-site at the employer’s place of work (but this will incur transport costs).

Each event begins with a presentation delivered by MLW. To set the scene, we look back 10 years and discuss what careers didn’t exist but do now. We then look at existing careers and at those which might exist in 10 years’ time. The presentation is very interactive and small tasks are set throughout which encourage pupils to really think about each sector.


Group work includes one employer working with small groups of pupils (between 6 and 15) and together they explore the world of work in their particular sector and what this will look like in 2030. Employers, where possible do a hands on activity with the children, showing them relevant pieces of equipment. Once the group activities are complete, each group along with the employer, feeds back their findings to the remainder of the year group. At this point parents are invited to attend and join in discussions.

A minimum of 4 employers attend each event. Parents are able to attend those events delivered on school sites only.