What does the activity intend to do?

Pupils work with a range of employers from a variety of sectors to discuss the world of work, particularly in identifying what careers 2030 might look like. Pupils have the opportunity to talk face to face with employers and undertake activities which will inspire them.
The aim of each event is to…

  • Allow pupils to gain an understanding of current careers in each sector

  • Allow pupils to gain an understanding of what “careers 2030” might look like in each sector.........glimpse  the future

  • Challenge stereotypical thinking and endorse inspirational messages delivered by employers

  • To raise aspirations and encourage pupils to be the best they can be and aim high

  •  Increase pupils' understanding of the link between education, qualifications and career opportunities

  • Expose pupils to sectors unknown to them or their families and sectors they would not ordinarily consider

  • Engage parents / carers in this process and aim to challenge their attitudes, perceptions and aspirations relating to their child’s education and career choices

  • Encourage pupils to focus on the 8 essential skills and learn how and when to apply them

  • Inspire pupils of all groups and ages to be the best in class